
潘國鍵 著
ISBN 978-1-989485-38-5
本文載錄李白《江上吟》、白居易《題玉泉寺》、蘇軾《念奴嬌∙赤壁懷古》、李清照 《一剪梅∙紅藕香殘玉簟秋》《臨江仙∙庭院深深深幾許》《武陵春∙春晚》及陸游《訴衷情∙當年萬里覓封侯》。除白話對譯外,並糾正了時人錯誤的解讀,例如「滄洲」、「知」、「羽扇綸巾」、「早」、「還酹」、「雲中」、「老」、「感月」、「塵香」、「當年萬里」、「關河夢斷」等等。

潘國鍵 著
ISBN 978-1-989485-36-1

潘國鍵 著
ISBN 978-1-9894851-7-0
本書乃作者與潘君尚(KS Vincent Poon)合譯《An English Translation and the Correct Interpretation of Laozi's Tao Te Ching 英譯並正解老子道德經》的後續之作。旨在提供《道德經》的正確解讀和白話對譯。
前人讀《道德經》, 毛病有四: 一為錯用道教的觀點來解釋; 二為誤以儒學的概念來解讀; 三為錯解字義; 四為前三者合起來成為二千多年來人們對《道德經》誤解、錯解、強解、曲解的更大毛病。結果既把老子描黑成為一位喜歡掩飾自己的老謀深算的思想家, 從此《道德經》亦給扭曲成為一部難以完全理解的怪奇作品。本書正可糾正前人這種種弊端。
EBOOK: @amazon.co.uk, @amazon.com, @amazon.ca, @kobo.com 

PAPERBACK: amazon.co.uk, amazon.com, amazon.ca, amazon.jp

by KS Vincent POON and Kwok Kin POON (July. 2020)
ISBN 978-1-989485-15-6
Tao Te Ching (《道德經》, or Dao De Jing), presumably written by Laozi (老子) of the 6th century BC, is one of the most famous and influential philosophical works in Chinese history. Written in fewer than 6000 Chinese characters, Tao Te Ching outlines the characteristics and roles of the fundamental Tao (道) and its Te (德, Manifestation of Tao) in the formation and maintenance of all in the Universe. Remarkably, it also depicts the underlying nature of governance and some natural laws, which, surprisingly, include modern scientific concepts such as atomic theory, chemical equilibrium, polarities, and the quantum uncertainty principle.
Unfortunately, Tao Te Ching is often misinterpreted by many for more than two thousand years. Their failures are mainly attributed to applying Taoist Religion (道教), Huang-Lao (黄老), and Confucian concepts in interpreting characters such as “鬼”, “神”, “仁”, “慈”, “善”, and “德”. Further, “若”, “似”, and “或” are also frequently misinterpreted, giving rise to the incorrect impression that Laozi was a scheming and calculating philosopher. Prominent interpreters of the past and present, including Heshang Gong (河上公), Wang Bi (王弼), Gao Heng (高亨), and James Legge, have all committed these types of errors in varying degrees.
This book provides readers with an annotated, line-by-line, concise, consistent, and correct English translation and interpretation of Tao Te Ching. Accompanied 674 footnotes include references and brief discussions on general misunderstandings. Further, to facilitate easy reading, the bare translated text is supplemented in a separate section, while the correct interpretation of difficult and complex sentences in vernacular Chinese (《道德經》艱深句子正解並白話對譯) in another. Accordingly, this book is perfect for anyone interested in Chinese philosophy.
PAPERBACK: UK£21 @amazon.co.uk, UK£21 @Waterstones, US$27 @amazon.com, CDN$35 @amazon.ca, JPN¥3,300 @amazon.jp, US$ 27 @Barnes & Noble
WorldCat/Library: [WorldCat] [Oxford U] [U of Cambridge] [Harvard U] [Kyoto U] [National Taiwan U] [HKU] [CUHK]etc...

by Kwok Kin POON, translated by KS Vincent Poon (Dec. 2019)
ISBN 978-1-989485-12-5
This book catalogues Dr. Kwok Kin Poon's various calligraphic works in his mid and later years. Over 300 works are detailed in this compilation which is divided into six sections: Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism, Christianity, Poetry and Verse, and Models of Masterpieces. Dr. Poon's calligraphic works are scribed not only for artistical purposes but also for the preservation of traditional Chinese culture while injecting philosophical elements found in Christianity. Thus, judging from its content and presentation, how can this book be just about appreciating the beauty of Chinese calligraphy?
Hardcover: CDN$195 @vincentpoon.com (free shipping) US$150 @amazon.com
WORLDCAT/LIBRARY: [Worldcat] [Columbia U] [HKU] [CUHK] [Kyoto U] [National Taiwan U] [National Palace Museum Taiwan] etc...

Translated by KS Vincent POON and Kwok Kin POON (Mar. 2019)
ISBN 978-1-989485-10-1
A Narrative on Calligraphy (Shu Pu, 書譜) was written in 687AD by the renowned Tang dynasty calligrapher Sun Guoting (孫過庭) of the seventh century and is regarded to be one of the most important narratives in examining the traditional art of Chinese calligraphy. Yet, there is currently no satisfactory English translation of it. This book provides readers an accurate, annotated, line-by-line, consistent and comprehensive English translation of A Narrative on Calligraphy. Furthermore, various major and fundamental mistakes found in the two previous English translations by Chang & Frankel and De Laurentis are detailed and discussed.
This book is the revised and enhanced version of the previous book and delivers an even more precise translation with 20 titled thematic paragraphs that is based on Dr. Kwok Kin POON’s The Vernacular Chinese Translation of Sun Guoting’s A Narrative on Calligraphy (孫過庭書譜白話對譯. Toronto: The SenSeis, Feb. 2019).
WorldCat/Library: [WorldCat] [Oxford U] [U of T] [Harvard U] [Columbia U] [HKU] [CUHK] [Kyoto U] [National Taiwan U] etc...

潘國鍵 著
ISBN 978-1-7753566-2-2
初唐孫過庭(虔禮)寫的《書譜》, 是研究中國書道文化的重要作品 。 惟《書譜》「文約理贍」 , 艱深難明 。 本書特將之逐句對譯為白話文 , 並討論及糾正了時人對《書譜》頗多的錯解和誤讀 。 且又將《書譜》全文分作20段 , 每段冠以小標題 , 務使讀者更能掌握《書譜》的內容及其思想脈絡 。 研究中國書道精神及隋唐思想文化者 , 不可不讀。

English Translation of Classical Chinese Calligraphy Masterpieces 英譯法書
by KS Vincent POON and Kwok Kin POON (Feb. 2019)
ISBN 978-1-7753221-1-5
There are currently no satisfactory English translations of prominent classical Chinese calligraphy masterpieces (法書, exemplary works that are worth for all to study and observe) like Cao Quan Stele (曹全碑) and Lanting Xu (蘭亭帖). This is the first book that offers line-by-line English translations of the following five Chinese calligraphy masterpieces along with detailed annotations and explanations using historical reference books and texts:
- 1. Cao Quan Stele (曹全碑) by an unknown calligrapher (185AD);
- 2. Lanting Xu (蘭亭帖) by Wang Xizhi (王羲之, 303-361AD);
- 3. Elaborations on the Chronicle of Ni Kuan (兒寬贊帖) by Chu Suiliang (褚遂良, 596-658AD);
- 4. A Poem on General Pei (裴將軍帖) by Yan Zhenqing (顏真卿, 709- 785AD);
- 5. Huai Su’s Autobiography (懷素自叙帖) by Huai Su (懷素, 725-785 AD or 737-799 AD).
Previous attempts by renowned scholars such as Patricia Ebrey (in translating Cao Quan Stele) and LIN Yutang (林語堂, in translating Lanting Xu) contain significant errors and omissions and will be briefly discussed in this book. Hence, serious learners of Chinese calligraphy as well as scholars studying traditional Chinese culture will find this book particularly useful.
WORLDCAT/LIBRARY: [Worldcat] [Columbia U] [HKU] [CUHK] [Universiteit Antwerpen] [Wesleyan U] [Kyoto U] [National Taiwan U] etc...

潘國鍵 著
ISBN 978-1-7753566-4-6
本書記載作者潘國鍵博士六十歲後十年間所作之文。共分四篇。永懷篇主要記錄了作者與老師嚴耕望教授的師生恩情,及其對離世妻子的無限思念; 亦稍談了大儒錢穆夫子的信札墨寶。宗教篇則輯錄了作者與田英傑神父( Fr. Sergio Ticozzi )和徐錦堯神父討論天主教教義的書函,與及作者在天主信仰上的各種深刻感受。旅遊篇則記述作者多次往遊香港日本時的飲飲食食。雜說篇則是新事舊事談所見。六十而耳順。作者耳順之言,未必聽來順耳。惟其種種經歴,信亦甚有參考價值焉。

《寫在信仰荊途上》Writings on my journey towards faith
潘國鍵 著
ISBN: 978-1989485019
本書記錄潘國鍵博士大半生宗教信仰探索的心路歷程 。 其中頗涉儒學、佛學及基督教義的比較和析述 。 也算是一個中國傳統知識分子追求 「真理 」的獨白 。

《國鍵文集》第一輯: 時評 A Collection of Kwok Kin’s Newspaper Columns, Vol. 1: Commentaries
潘國鍵 著
ISBN: 978-1775356653
《國鍵文集》主要輯錄潘國鍵博士六十歲前在香港《華僑日報》、《明報》及加拿大《時代周報》、《明報》、《星島日報》發表的專欄文字。分「時評」「 教育」「生活」「書畫」「宗教」共五輯。討論範圍甚廣,內容極豐。且旁徵博引,於嚴肅時嚴謹,於輕鬆時幽默。文言、白話與香港俚語,共冶一爐。可謂別樹一格。

《國鍵文集》第二輯: 教育 A Collection of Kwok Kin’s Newspaper Columns, Vol. 2: Education
潘國鍵 著
ISBN: 978-1775356660
《國鍵文集》主要輯錄潘國鍵博士六十歲前在香港《華僑日報》、《明報》及加拿大《時代周報》、《明報》、《星島日報》發表的專欄文字。分「時評」「 教育」「生活」「書畫」「宗教」共五輯。討論範圍甚廣,內容極豐。且旁徵博引,於嚴肅時嚴謹,於輕鬆時幽默。文言、白話與香港俚語,共冶一爐。可謂別樹一格。

《國鍵文集》第三輯: 生活 A Collection of Kwok Kin’s Newspaper Columns, Vol. 3: Life
潘國鍵 著
ISBN: 978-1775356677
《國鍵文集》主要輯錄潘國鍵博士六十歲前在香港《華僑日報》、《明報》及加拿大《時代周報》、《明報》、《星島日報》發表的專欄文字。分「時評」「 教育」「生活」「書畫」「宗教」共五輯。討論範圍甚廣,內容極豐。且旁徵博引,於嚴肅時嚴謹,於輕鬆時幽默。文言、白話與香港俚語,共冶一爐。可謂別樹一格。

《國鍵文集》第四輯: 書畫 A Collection of Kwok Kin’s Newspaper Columns, Vol. 4: Calligraphy and Paintings
潘國鍵 著
ISBN: 978-1775356684
《國鍵文集》主要輯錄潘國鍵博士六十歲前在香港《華僑日報》、《明報》及加拿大《時代周報》、《明報》、《星島日報》發表的專欄文字。分「時評」「 教育」「生活」「書畫」「宗教」共五輯。討論範圍甚廣,內容極豐。且旁徵博引,於嚴肅時嚴謹,於輕鬆時幽默。文言、白話與香港俚語,共冶一爐。可謂別樹一格。

《國鍵文集》第五輯: 宗教 A Collection of Kwok Kin’s Newspaper Columns, Vol. 5: Religion
潘國鍵 著
ISBN: 978-1775356691
《國鍵文集》主要輯錄潘國鍵博士六十歲前在香港《華僑日報》、《明報》及加拿大《時代周報》、《明報》、《星島日報》發表的專欄文字。分「時評」「 教育」「生活」「書畫」「宗教」共五輯。討論範圍甚廣,內容極豐。且旁徵博引,於嚴肅時嚴謹,於輕鬆時幽默。文言、白話與香港俚語,共冶一爐。可謂別樹一格。

吐谷渾種裔及其成族與初期歷史 (手稿) A Study on the Ethnicity of Tuyuhun and Chinese historical documentations on the tribal formation of Tuyuhun and its early history
潘國鍵 著
ISBN: 978-1-7753566-1-5
WORLDCAT/LIBRARY: [Worldcat] [Oxford U] [Harvard U] [Columbia U] [HKU] [CUHK] [National Taiwan U] etc...

潘國鍵 著
ISBN: 978-1-989485-14-9
本影印手稿全書近八百頁,乃潘國鍵博士追隨嚴耕望教授研習史地的早期著作。北周(AD 557-581) 沿承漢代,地方行政採州郡縣三級制。本書對北周境內二百多州及其各任刺史與所在地,均作了頗詳細的記述。 且亦指出了《隋書 · 地理志》及嚴守敬《考證》等頗多漏誤之處。 此書可稍補《周書》缺少地理志之不足。對初步研究北周疆域,當極具參考價值。

The Northern Wei State and Juan-juan Nomadic Tribe
潘國鍵 著
臺灣商務印書館 (1988)
ISBN 9786660510561
WORLDCAT/LIBRARY: [Worldcat] [Oxford U] [Cambridge U] [Harvard U] [Columbia U] [HKU] [CUHK] [Kyoto U] [National Taiwan U] etc...

楷書筆法示範及練習 粵語講授短片 第二輯
潘國鍵 講授
ISBN 9781989485200
短片分《楷書筆法示範及練習》、《草書筆法與口訣示範及練習》和《篆隸筆法與書寫示範及練習》三部。此輯乃《楷書筆法示範及練習》五輯中的第二輯,是楷書三十六講的第六講至第十四講。主要講解示範永字八法其餘筆法, 與及側點、直點、「折」、向上點、向下點、長點、向左右點、三聯點、四聯點、長畫、短畫、長直、短直、懸針直。各講均附課稿以作練習。共9講,總42分48秒。

潘國鍵 講授
ISBN 9781989485248

潘國鍵 講授
ISBN 9781989485255

篆隸筆法與書寫示範及練習 粵語講授短片 第二輯
潘國鍵 講授
ISBN 9781989485262